
My Story


My name is Jessie Rose and I am a multimedia producer. What does that mean exactly? Well, keep reading and you’ll find out!

Photography was my first passion. I grew up with a disposable camera in my hand and a sense of dynamic creativity in my heart. Sure, I took photos of just about everything...but nothing was cooler to me than picking up my rolls of negatives, holding them up to the light and trying to make out what the heck I actually took a photo of.

Mrs. Cooper was my photography teacher in high school. She not only taught me that there is more to photography than macro shots of pretty flowers and the same ol’ sunset pic taken every time I visit the coast, but she opened my eyes to dynamic thinking, beautiful angles, and my second passion- crazy, fun images you can create in photoshop! I had this photo I took of a friend climbing up a light pole in the middle of the school courtyard, so for my class final I photoshopped her hanging from a rope that was lassoed around the moon. It was pretty epic if I say so myself. Which leads me to my chosen career path in college, Multimedia Design. I studied everything under the sun; film photography, graphic design, audio production, web development, drawing, music technology, and video production. My first ever self portrait was drawn with charcoal, I designed my own a Blink-182 album cover, and the first video production I ever directed was titled “G-gnome” featuring a hip hop garden gnome that came to life, ended up being a genie gnome and could grant 3 wishes... I mean come on! Needless to say, I fell in love and led me to my third passion, videography.

During my Video Production 2 class, Mrs. Hughes told me, “You have an eye,” but what I really heard was, “You’re going to Hollywood!” Okay, so I really wasn’t THAT good, but I decided to take what she said and run with it. (*deep breath*) First, I got a job as a digital media intern for a farming cooperative, after a year was promoted to Social Media Specialist, was then later promoted to Video Production Specialist, quickly realized I needed to learn more before I could truly succeed in that position, left that company to work for a marketing and advertising agency as a video producer, cried my first 2 days, gave myself a swift kick in the butt, put on my big girl panties and after months of showing up early, hours on top of hours of video tutorials, and annoying the crap out of the in house graphic animator...I had finally done it! I was going to Hollywood! ... No, just kidding. But what had really happened, was I discovered myself and I discovered my dream.

I capture the smiles of your baby boy turning 1. I help tell the world you’re in love with your best friend. I grow with your company by marketing your talents, products, and dedication to your customers. I adventure with you, every step of the way, to uncover all possibilities. Jessie Rose Multimedia is me, what I do, and the business that will do whatever it takes to help make all your dreams come true. Creativity shouldn't be compromised or encapsulated by walls. Visions shouldn't be blinded by doubt. Dreams should never be without a hope and a future.

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future.
— Jeremiah 29:11
Jessie DenOuden
© 2019