Graphic Design Services

This is what Jessie Rose Multimedia can do for you!


Okay, I’m going to be straight with yall…

…my career and business have become so focused on photo and video production, that I don’t get the opportunity to do much graphic design these days. ‘Graphic Design’ means something different to everyone, but I have done many different variations throughout my career and it is something that I love to do when I get the chance!

Types of graphic design projects I have done are business logos, wedding Save The Dates, photo collages for printing, custom t-shirt logo designs, social media graphic advertisements, simplistic motion graphics for video (examples provided upon request due to contractual privacy).

Have a vision of what you’re looking for, but not sure how to bring it to life? That’s where I come in! We will sit down together in a brainstorming session to kick off the creative process of producing the best design for you. And if in the end, I’m personally not able to create what your looking for, I will reach out to the folks I love to collaborate with on special projects like yours!

You know what to do!


© 2019